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Historia komunikacji Zemia - Księżyć - Ziemia (EME) dyletantowi Czerepakowi Miszy dedykuję

Wyśmiany system anten przez dyletanta Miszę Czerep
03.07.2018 02:26:20

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Berghof

Posty: 11 #2560943
Od: 2018-6-30

A 144 MHz EME antenna array belonging to Sam Dubovtsev (R7AB).
The array consists of 64 crossed long-yagi antennas with 2 × 15 elements each,
yielding a total gain of about 34 dBi. Vertical or horizontal polarization can be
chosen at the flick of a switch. Resting on several wheels the antenna has full
azimuth as well as elevation control capability. (Courtesy of Sam Dubovtsev

Skąd absolwent zawodówki Misza Czarkowski, jest przekonany, że słowa które się nauczył podczas nauki u pana majstra na naukach i przyswojone, to są dokładnie te co sobie przyswoił i ich znaczenie jest dokładnie to, jak go nauczył pan majster...
03.07.2018 02:40:22

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Berghof

Posty: 11 #2560945
Od: 2018-6-30
communication history
Bouncing radio signals off the Moon is not a recent endeavour. According to
Trexler the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) searched for
lunar echoes ‘as early as 1924 and continuing through the 1930s’, making
regular attempts as radar technology progressed. These technological improvements
originated in the ionospheric research of the 1920s and 30s, but
the decisive progress came in the shape of military technology during the
second world war. After the war, there was an abundance of surplus radar
equipment, as well as a large pool of engineers and scientists in pursuit of
peacetime careers. Consequently, it was not until the end of the war that
circumstances permitted EME experiments which were ultimately successful.
At war’s end ionospheric research resumed its roll as a driving force in
radar technology, eventually enabling the field of radar astronomy. Lunar
studies became a part of this research, in its turn opening up further areas
of interest, both civilian and military, not seldom with the latter under the
guise of the former. As a consequence of the ensuing cold war, two of the
goals of these and following projects were to develop long-range radars for
detecting intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and locating Soviet radars
by intercepting those of their signals which bounced off the Moon. Another
goal was to use the Moon as a passive relay in long-range communication
circuits, both for commercial and military purposes. Some of the people
involved in these projects were also keen radio amateurs. Hence it should
come as no surprise that amateur radio enthusiasts were not far behind in
trying to bounce radio signals off the Moon.
This chapter will present some of the most prominent projects related to the
above. Among these are Project Diana, Project PAMOR, the Communication
Moon Relay Project and Project Moonbeam which was an amateur radio
project. Last but not least, a few words on the current state of amateur radio
EME communication will be presented. The information in this chapter was
compiled from mainly two NASA history office sources, which should be of
interest to those seeking more knowledge .


Aerial view of the Project Diana site, Camp Evans Signal Laboratory,
where the first planned radar signals were received from the Moon on January 10,
1946. (Photo courtesy of Camp Evans InfoAge WWII museum and national historic


Skąd absolwent zawodówki Misza Czarkowski, jest przekonany, że słowa które się nauczył podczas nauki u pana majstra na naukach i przyswojone, to są dokładnie te co sobie przyswoił i ich znaczenie jest dokładnie to, jak go nauczył pan majster...
03.07.2018 02:47:48

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Berghof

Posty: 11 #2560946
Od: 2018-6-30
Project Diana

Project Diana, named after the Moon goddess of the Roman mythology, was
the first deliberate and successful attempt at bouncing radar signals off the
Moon. The first echoes were successfully detected at 11:58 AM on Januray
10, 1946. In charge of the project was Lt. Col. John H. DeWitt Jr. of the
US Army Signal Corps at Evans Signal Laboratory at Fort Monmouth near
Belmar, New Jersey.
The equipment consisted of a modified ‘SCR-271 early-warning radar’, providing
3 kW of output power at 111.5 MHz using 0.25 second pulses. The antenna
was a reflector array consisting of 64 horizontally polarized half-wave dipoles,
providing a gain of approximately 24 dBi. was mounted on a 30 metre tower and was only controllable in
azimuth. On the receiver side, the front-end amplifier had a gain of 30 dB
with an NF amounting to 4 dB which was considered low at the time. The
receiver bandwidth was only 57 Hz, centred at 180 Hz, making accurate
Doppler calculations for every test a necessity. Visual echo indication was
furthermore provided on a radar scope.
Formally, the objectives of Project Diana were to determine whether radio
signals could be transmitted through the ionosphere and to develop radars
capable of detecting Soviet missiles. The Moon was chosen as a target since
no missiles were available for the experiments. Informally however, being
a radio amateur, DeWitt also had personal motives for the project. While
working as chief engineer of radio station WSM in Nashville, Tennessee,
DeWitt had already tried, in May 1940, to bounce radio signals off the Moon,
alas unsuccessfully due to insufficient receiver sensitivity. He also had an
interest in astronomy, sparked by Karl Jansky’s discovery of cosmic noise
in the early 1930s. Hence, when the war ended it is not surprising that
DeWitt seized the opportunity to initiate a project like Diana, before being
discharged from the Army. Furthermore, one cannot help but wonder if it was
a coincidence or not, that three out of five chief members of the project were
radio amateurs. The five lead members were John H. DeWitt Jr. (W4ERI,
formerly W4FU and later N4CBC), Herbert P. Kauffman1
(W2OQU), Edwin
King Stodola (W3IYF later W2AXO), Harold D. Webb and Jack Mofenson.
Naturally, more people were involved in the project, some of which were also
radio amateurs.
DeWitt’s team was however not alone in fulfilling their ambition to bounce
radio signals off the Moon. Just a few weeks after the success of Project
Diana, a team from Hungary, led by Zoltán Bay, succeeded in their attempts
as well . However, having a less powerful system than the Americans,
Bay had to somehow increase the received SNR. This led him to inventing
the important technique of time integration, using a so called hydrogen
coulometer. Unfortunately, Bay had to operate during war-time conditions,
forcing him to entirely rebuild his system three times over. Had this not been
the case, it is quite possible that Bay would have succeeded before DeWitt
in deliberately receiving echoes from the Moon.
The word ‘deliberately’ is important in this context. For according to several
sources, operators of a German experimental radar succeeded
in hearing their own lunar echoes in January 1944, by pure chance. This
so called ‘Würzmann radar’ was built by the Telefunken company and was
situated on the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea. It operated at 560 MHz
with a peak power of 120 kW, having a very narrow beam antenna consisting
of an array with no less than 640 dipoles.
Regardless of the above, Project Diana was the the first calculated and
successful attempt at receiving radar echoes from the Moon, determining
with certainty that radio waves could penetrate the Earth’s ionosphere. This
discovery was a prerequisite for all space related communication projects to
come, thus marking the beginning of the space age.

Skąd absolwent zawodówki Misza Czarkowski, jest przekonany, że słowa które się nauczył podczas nauki u pana majstra na naukach i przyswojone, to są dokładnie te co sobie przyswoił i ich znaczenie jest dokładnie to, jak go nauczył pan majster...
03.07.2018 02:55:47

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Berghof

Posty: 11 #2560947
Od: 2018-6-30
Project PAMOR

Project PAMOR (passive Moon relay) was a highly classified project to
intercept radar signals reflected from the Moon, originating from transmitters
deep within the Soviet Union. It became an official US Navy intelligence
program in 1950, though its origin can be traced back to 1947 after the
success of Project Diana. The prime mover of the project was an engineer and
radio amateur by the name of James H. Trexler,2 assigned to the electronic
countermeasures group of the US NRL.
It was in 1948, after having read a paper entitled ‘Considerations of MoonRelay
Communication that Trexler determined that it should be possible
to use the Moon for the above mentioned eavesdropping purpose. During the
next two years the project evolved at the NRL’s Blue Plains field facility in
Washington DC, showing promise. As a result, the effort was formalized by
mid 1950 and funds were directed towards building a new antenna at Stump
Neck, Maryland. The antenna, a 67 by 80 metres fixed elliptical parabola,
was built and commissioned in 1951. It had a limited tracking capability,
but in return it was built for optimum performance towards the ‘Sino-Soviet
In order to learn more about the reflection properties of the lunar surface,
the first EME echoes, using the new antenna, were received in October 1951.
The transmitter operated at 198 MHz, delivering about 750 W using 10 μ,s
pulses. To Trexler’s surprise, most of the received energy originated from
the centre region of the lunar disc, meaning that the signals were much more
coherent than expected . The potential of the project was thus greater
than previously believed. As a result, PAMOR was given more priority and
a higher security status.
However, by 1954 it had become obvious that the project had outgrown the
Stump Neck site. In order to satisfy all of the proposed electrical intelligence
(ELINT) needs, a significantly larger antenna was required. Plans were thus
made to build a 183 metre dish in Sugar Grove, West Virginia, though these
plans never came into existence. Fortunately, there were other antennas at
hand, alas these were only 46 metres in diameter which was the required
minimum. One of these was ‘The Dish’, located in Palo Alto, California,
while another was located at the NRL’s Chesapeake Bay facility. Using
these dishes, detailed information was acquired about the Soviet Union’s
anti–ballistic missile radar systems.
In a declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) document entitled ‘Moon
Bounce ELINT – The monitoring of Soviet radars by way of the lunar surface, the author Frank Eliot tellingly concludes: ‘The Moon Bounce effort is
one of those intelligence collection techniques which seemed at first “far out”
but has in the event more than paid for itself.’


The NRL’s Stump Neck site with the 67 by 80 metres elliptical parabola.
The focal point is approximately 27 metres above the dish, where a horn-type feed is
used. The gain and beam width were measured using the Sun as well as a ‘horn gain
standard’, which can be seen on the ground to the right of the parabola. (Photo
courtesy of the NRL

Skąd absolwent zawodówki Misza Czarkowski, jest przekonany, że słowa które się nauczył podczas nauki u pana majstra na naukach i przyswojone, to są dokładnie te co sobie przyswoił i ich znaczenie jest dokładnie to, jak go nauczył pan majster...
03.07.2018 03:00:43

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Berghof

Posty: 11 #2560949
Od: 2018-6-30

Ilość edycji wpisu: 1
The Communication Moon Relay Project

The initial 1951 tests at Project PAMOR’s Stump Neck site revealed that
EME echoes had a greater degree of coherence than first anticipated, as was
mentioned in section 2.2. In practice, this meant that the Moon could be
used as part of a modern communication system. This was a matter of great
interest to the US Navy, who considered reliable communication to its fleet
vital to national security. By 1954, further experiments had shown promise
and a spin-off of Project PAMOR was therefore initiated within the NRL. It
was named the ‘Communication Moon Relay Project’ or ‘Moon Relay’ for
short, though it was also known as ‘Operation Moon Bounce’.
By now, Project PAMOR had left the Stump Neck facility, leaving it solely for
the purpose of lunar communication experiments. Having installed a 10 kW
UHF klystron amplifier, experiments using teletype, facsimile and voice
communication ensued. The latter was accomplished on 24 July 1954, when
Trexler was the first person to hear his own voice from AM signals reflected
off the Moon. Morse code communication had already been demonstrated
on 21 October 1951.
While the transmitter used the Stump Neck dish, the
receiving end relied on standard military radar antennas. Operating at
301 MHz, the first successful transcontinental tests were made between
Stump Neck, Maryland, and the Navy Electronics Laboratory in San Diego,
California, in November 1955. Only a few weeks later, using similar equipment,
communication was established between Stump Neck and Wahiawa,
Oahu, Hawaii.
Within a few months the Navy had signed development contracts for further
experimental systems. Furthermore, by the end of 1956 it was recommended
that US submarine communication should be based on the Moon Relay
system. By 1960 a fully operational system for communication between
Washington DC and Hawaii had been developed. At its launch a picture
of the crew aboard the aircraft carrier USS Hancock, forming the words
‘MOON RELAY’, was transmitted as a facsimile via the Moon.
The final Moon Relay system was based on 28 metres steerable dishes fed by
100 kW transmitters operating at 400 MHz. Its capacity was limited to 16
simultaneous teleprinter channels operating at 60 words per minute, capable
of handling teletype and photographic facsimiles. In 1961, tests aboard the
USS Oxford resulted in the first shore-to-ship Moon Relay communication in
history, using a ship-mounted 5 metre dish. In 1962 a 1 kW transmitter was
added to the Oxford, allowing for two-way communication. The experience
gained during these tests paved the way for the Navy’s man-made satellite
communication system, which were to arrive within a few years.


Skąd absolwent zawodówki Misza Czarkowski, jest przekonany, że słowa które się nauczył podczas nauki u pana majstra na naukach i przyswojone, to są dokładnie te co sobie przyswoił i ich znaczenie jest dokładnie to, jak go nauczył pan majster...
03.07.2018 03:11:54

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Berghof

Posty: 11 #2560950
Od: 2018-6-30
Project Moonbeam

The US Military projects presented in the previous sections were very ambitious
and involved hundreds if not thousands of scientists and engineers.
However, in parallel with these large scale EME efforts a small number of
radio amateurs, mainly from the US, were planning their own attempts
at ‘reaching the Moon’, using more modest equipment. Naturally, these
radio amateurs were faced with the same technical challenges as the military.
Their solutions on the other hand, were seriously restricted due to economical
reasons, the output powers were lower and the dishes were smaller, calling
for narrow-band communication. With technology nowhere near today’s
standards, especially in regard to UHF and microwave receiver front-ends,
the author reckons that the challenge must have been quite a bit bigger than
Nevertheless, eventually came the success of Project Moonbeam, a joint
effort between two American radio amateurs by the name of Ross Bateman
(W4AO) and Bill Smith (W3GKB). After numerous unsuccessful attempts
they finally succeeded in hearing their own 144 MHz echoes at 5:03 AM, 15
July 1950. The output power of their system amounted to 1 kW, which was
fed into a 20 wavelength stacked rhombic array antenna. However, although
their echoes were recorded they were also very weak. Thus instead of making
their success public, they decided to continue their work on improving the
equipment. Joined by Ted Tuckerman (W3LZD) in their quest for stronger
echoes, it would take the trio another two and a half years of hard work and
testing, before breakthrough came on 27 January 1953. The results of this
work is shown in fig. 2.4, presenting a series of two strong echoes recorded
on that day.
The amateur radio community had to wait another seven years though, until
it could finally witness the first two-way EME contact between amateur
radio stations, on 21 July 1960. It was established on 1296 MHz between
the ‘Rhododendron Swamp VHF Society’ (W1BU) in Massachusetts and
the ‘Eimac Radio Club’ (W6HB) in California. This milestone sparked an
increased interest in EME communication among radio amateurs worldwide.
New records followed and on 11 April 1964 the first two-way contact between
the US and Europe was established on 144 MHz, between Bill Conkel
(W6DNG) in California and Lenna Suominen (OH1NL) in Finland.
Two fantastic opportunities were given in June 1964 and July 1965, when
the largest telescope in the world, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico
, engaged in amateur radio EME communication on 144 and 432 MHz,
operating under the KP4BPZ call sign. The Arecibo dish is 300 metres in
diameter, which enabled radio amateurs from around the world to establish
two-way contacts using Morse code and very modest equipment. More
capable stations were even successful in using voice communication. It would
take another 45 years, in April 2010, until radio amateurs were once again
given the opportunity to operate from the Arecibo observatory, this time
using the KP4AO call sign, on 432 MHz. This time around, JT65B digital
communication was also used. See fig. 2.5 for a photo of the Arecibo antenna!


The first strong amateur radio EME echoes, recorded on 27 January
1953 as part of Project Moonbeam. The pioneers behind this feat were Ross
Bateman (W4AO), Bill Smith (W3GKB) and Ted Tuckerman (W3LZD).
Reprinted with the permission of the ARRL. Copyright © ARRL.)


The 300 metre dish at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. It was
used by radio amateurs for EME communication in 1964, 1965 and 2010. (Photo
courtesy of the NAIC – Arecibo Observatory a facility of the NSF.)


Skąd absolwent zawodówki Misza Czarkowski, jest przekonany, że słowa które się nauczył podczas nauki u pana majstra na naukach i przyswojone, to są dokładnie te co sobie przyswoił i ich znaczenie jest dokładnie to, jak go nauczył pan majster...
03.07.2018 03:16:00

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Berghof

Posty: 11 #2560951
Od: 2018-6-30

Ilość edycji wpisu: 1
Current state

Even though the professional use of lunar communication declined with
the advent of man-made satellites, the practice increased and is still very
popular among amateur radio enthusiasts around the world. The barrier–
to–entry has furthermore been lowered during the years, not least with the
introduction of advanced digital communication modes such as JT65 by
Joe Taylor (K1JT). However, this does by no means imply that the
level of ambition has declined among EME amateurs. On the contrary,
limits are constantly being pushed as new technology emerges: Software
defined radio (SDR) technology is in regular use and evolving, opening up a
multitude of possibilities previously unseen, modern microwave technology
is continuously being explored, gradually increasing transmitter as well as
receiver performance, computer simulation software is employed, resulting in
better antennas and circuit design, advanced digital communication modes
keep appearing, mechanical construction capabilities are improving and so
on. These advances have enabled radio amateurs to make EME contacts
at frequencies ranging from 50 MHz up to no less than 47 GHz and echoes
have been received as high up as 77 GHz. In March 2009 radio amateurs in
Germany were even able to detect 2.4 GHz echoes from signals they bounced
off Venus
Due to the technical challenges involved in EME communication, it should
come as no surprise that some radio amateurs take their hobby very seriously,
spending an incredible amount of time and money on building and improving
their systems. An example of this, though certainly not an isolated one,
which shows a 144 MHz antenna array belonging to Alexander
‘Sam’ Dubovtsev (R7AB) in Krasnodar, Russia
Regardless of where ones level of ambition lies, EME communication offers a
great opportunity to develop a good understanding of complex communication
systems, involving skills from fields such as electrical, mechanical and
computer engineering.

Skąd absolwent zawodówki Misza Czarkowski, jest przekonany, że słowa które się nauczył podczas nauki u pana majstra na naukach i przyswojone, to są dokładnie te co sobie przyswoił i ich znaczenie jest dokładnie to, jak go nauczył pan majster...
03.07.2018 03:24:38

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: Berghof

Posty: 11 #2560953
Od: 2018-6-30
Dyletantowi Miszy Czerepakowi dedykuję.

Skąd absolwent zawodówki Misza Czarkowski, jest przekonany, że słowa które się nauczył podczas nauki u pana majstra na naukach i przyswojone, to są dokładnie te co sobie przyswoił i ich znaczenie jest dokładnie to, jak go nauczył pan majster...
03.07.2018 17:14:51
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: ko13oc

Posty: 3413 #2561144
Od: 2017-11-21

Ilość edycji wpisu: 2
Insynuatorze, gdzie rzekomy Misza Czerep wyśmiał jakiś „system anten”? Na jakiej podstawie napisałeś, że jest dyletantem? Czy Misza Czerep istnieje na tym forum? Istnieją inne konta, które jak się domyślam, są Twoje:

Czy sugerujesz, z upierdliwością tajnego współpracownika SB aspirującego do bycia swoim oficerem prowadzącym, że to co napisałeś w stopce, czyli:
Skąd absolwent zawodówki Misza Czarkowski, jest przekonany, że słowa które się nauczył podczas nauki u pana majstra na naukach i przyswojone, to są dokładnie te co sobie przyswoił i ich znaczenie jest dokładnie to, jak go nauczył pan majster...” odnosi się do mnie?

Muszę Cię ponownie rozczarować:

Pomyśl o tym jak bardzo mógłby Ciebie „rozczarować” wspomniany przez Ciebie „pan majster”, może wyszłoby na to że jesteś radiotechniczną niemotą, radiowym menelem…

Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Stachu TW Gąsior SP95094KA czy to znowu Ty? Popatrz jakie echo po kotlinie się rozchodzi… Głośniejsze niż przy EME… lollollollollollollollollollollol

Zerknij tam i zobacz o co można się sądzić:
Popatrz co to jest konkluzja:

Mam dwa konta, drugie to „sq4ctp”. Podobne nicki – to nie ja.
Kto chce zostać Staśkiem?
Stachu? Powypisuj sobie wszystkich Czarkowskich z inwentarza IPN...
03.07.2018 17:17:57
poziom najwyższy i najjaśniejszy :-)

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: ko13oc

Posty: 3413 #2561146
Od: 2017-11-21
Jeszcze jest tutaj coś o Twojej Stopce:

Mam dwa konta, drugie to „sq4ctp”. Podobne nicki – to nie ja.
Kto chce zostać Staśkiem?
Stachu? Powypisuj sobie wszystkich Czarkowskich z inwentarza IPN...

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