Z życia PZK |
SP6OUJ pisze: sp7uwl pisze: Pijesz do SN10WTC? Odróżniasz świętowanie zamachów od uczczenia pamięci ofiar czy nie bardzo? Wstydu nie masz. Tak się składa, że część swojego życia spędziłem w USA. Byłem na tych wieżach, znam te okolice w NY. Nigdy bym nie wpadł na pomysł nadawać z takiej okazji. Szkoda że nie dostałeś opd. od Kolegów z USA za taki znak. Może i dostałeś ale pewnie nic z tego nie zrozumiałeś. 73! KB2UKG Masz schizofrenię, że nagle zacząłeś się podpisywać dwoma znakami? Myślisz, że jak się podpiszesz KB2 to padnę na kolana? Wyobraź sobie, że koledzy w US też postanowili uruchomić specjalne stacje z tej okazji: In remembrance of those who died in the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, several Amateur Radio Special Event Stations are being planned. The Pentagon Amateur Radio Club, K4AF, will be on the air 7 AM-9 PM Saturday, September 10 (1100-0100 UTC, Saturday, September 10 through Sunday, September 11). Active operating frequencies will be posted during event on the K4AF website. This Special Event is to honor all those lost on September 11, 2001, with special remembrance of the 184 people who lost their lives at the Pentagon and on board American Airlines Flight 77. The Blair Amateur Radio Society, W3PN, will be operating N3U/FLT93 from September 8-15 in memoriam of United Flight 93 that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This year’s activity will take place during tenth anniversary and the Memorial Dedication for the Victims of United Flight 93. To receive a QSL card, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Blair Amateur Radio Society, W3PN, 112 E Wopsononock Ave, Altoona, PA 16601. The Northeast Wireless Radio Club, N2WC, will be on the air Sunday, September 11 from 12 noon until 6 PM EDT (1700-2300 UTC). NWRC members will be operating in the General class bands on Phone, CW and Digital; please check the clusters for frequency updates. You can receive a Special Event QSL card when you send a $2 donation to Northeast Wireless Radio Club, 213-37 39th Avenue, Suite 175, Bayside, NY 11361. The Kings County Repeater Association, KC2RA, will be on the air 9 AM-5 PM EDT (1300-2100 UTC) on Saturday, September 10. Look for KC2RA on 7.250 and 14.295 MHz, as well as EchoLink node 132967 (KC2LEB-R) and the KC2RA repeater at 146.430 (CTCSS 136.5). KC2RA members will be offering a special QSL card for the event. To receive a card, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to KC2RA 9/11 Memorial Event, PO Box 280288, Brooklyn, NY 11228-0288. The Symbol Technologies Amateur Radio Club, W2SBL, will be on the air September 10-11 on the following frequencies: 3.911, 7.240, 14.070 and 50.135 MHz, as well as D-STAR REF10C. STARC members will read the name of a person killed in the attacks with every QSO. A Special Event QSL card is available when you send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Symbol Technologies Amateur Radio Club, W2SBL, One Motorola Plaza, B-13, Holtsville, NY 11742. The dates, times and frequencies of these Special Event Stations are listed as they were reported to the ARRL, and as such are subject to change. This list will be updated as more Special Event Stations notify ARRL HQ of their plans. We recommend that you bookmark this page and check back periodically for any additions. For a listing of all Special Event Stations, please see the ARRL Special Event Stations web page. Jeśli nie rozumiesz tego co jest powyżej napisane - chętnie pomogę w tłumaczeniu. |